23 places to shop for unique nursery decor
Hey all! So I get asked a lot where I shop for nursery decor - and decor pieces overall for any space. So I thought I would share my list of go to places for accessorizing kids spaces. Now some of these you have heard of, some will be new and some you may not have realized they sell accessories or kids items. If you wind up purchasing anything, tag us on instagram (@booandrook) so we can celebrate your adorable score!
A few notes - none of the below links are sponsored, I just genuinely love the brands and products. Also, there is a range of price points since budgets vary so much. The below list could be huge and does not include every place I source items from, but rather offer those smaller pieces that are unique and help add character and a personal touch to your child's room. Happy shopping!
Toys (perfect for play and display)
A Little of Everything
with grace & gumption,
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